19 items found for "CRT"
- Darren Beattie: Harvard's Shocking Admission: Affirmative Action And CRT Killed South Africa
:03:23 eac739 (15) No.20026807 Darren Beattie: Harvard's Shocking Admission: Affirmative Action And CRT
- DeSantis’ Office Releases Examples Of Rejected CRT-Inspired Math Textbooks
CRT is about one thing and one thing only dividing and conquering. Anonymous 04/21/22 (Thu) 19:17:05 35fe1d (5) No.16124260 DeSantis’ Office Releases Examples Of Rejected CRT-Inspired Florida’s education department released examples of CRT material Thursday after they received multiple education department and governor’s office have not provided information on which textbooks included CRT-related Mainstream news outlets and left-wing activists capitalized on the slow release of CRT examples to criticize
- Schifanelli Fought CRT and Won; Now running for Maryland Lt Gov
@GSchifanelli fought CRT and her woke school board, and won!
- School Board Members Quitting Over "Toxic" Parents Who Oppose Mask Mandates, Vaccines, And CRT
school board meeting, angry parents alternated between blasting officials over masks, vaccines, and CRT
- Gov-Elect Youngkin Promised to End Lockdowns, Stop Vax Mandates, Strip Anti-White CRT from Eduction
.14917025 ANALYSIS: Governor-Elect Youngkin Promised to End Lockdowns, Stop Vax Mandates, Strip Anti-White CRT Youngkin campaigned on promises to end lockdowns, stop coronavirus vaccine mandates, and remove anti-white CRT nationalfile.com/analysis-governor-elect-youngkin-promised-to-end-lockdowns-stop-vax-mandates-strip-anti-white-crt-from-education
- AG Garland Threatens Parents Who Criticize Critical Race Theory – His Son-In-Law Sells CRT Books
) 14:10:04 1c6598 (30) No.14733760 AG Garland Threatens Parents Who Criticize Critical Race Theory (CRT he was going to target parents around the country who oppose the critical race theory (CRT) and were CRT promotes anti-white racism. Last night the Conservative Treehouse reported on the connection between the AG and CRT teachings in https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/ag-garland-threatens-parents-criticize-critical-race-theory-crt-son-law-sells-crt-books-schools
- Title 18 USC Section 242 - Monster Truth Bombs
., SECTION 242 https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law
- 4 a.m. Talking Points
The aclu has been sending letters to school boards telling them it’s the law to teach crt. https:// dci832c741skk.cloudfront.net/assets/files/24366/open-letter-response-to-aclu-re-crt.pdf >>14123315 Rusty Document COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reports among Veterans; Agency Withholds Detailed Reports; CRT Wording in Vaccine Plan https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/vaccine-veterans-crt/ >>14122472
- Nancy Likely to be President Soon
Following his testimony, the school board voted 3-2 to ban CRT. https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status
- Texas Middle School Segregates Children By Hair Color as Part of a “AntiRacism” Experiment
It’s no secret that the evils of critical race theory (CRT), a completely backward Marxist ideology that
- Ketanji Jackson MegaBun
Guardian of the Pedophiles MegaBun all pb - multiple breads >>15919945 NO way she's unaware of the CRT Critical Racist Theory - Anti-Racist Learning in 2nd Grade >>15919985 Georgetown Day School race hustler CRT KetanjiBrownJackson Why she was lenient on pedophiles >>15932455 Biden’s Supreme Court Justice Nominee Challenged On CRT
- AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’
Crooked US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has a son-in-law who’s pushing racist CRT around the country
- Atlanta Area School Complaint Alleges Segregation
Undoubtedly fueled by CRT, the separation was designed to give black students “more opportunities.” by
- Joe rents' his billionaire 'friend' David Rubenstein's $30M Nantucket compound for Thanksgiving
Ron: Country has moved so far away from the Constitution – gotta get CRT outta the schools and the Constitution
- President Trump NCGOP Keynote Speech
twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1401360738975948805 Post 60221 4 hours ago • View on 8kun DJT on CRT
- 8KUN Board Maintenance - 3/12/2023
Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Stop Teaching CRT in the Military >>18494002 Video from French Protests
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