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Atlanta Area School Complaint Alleges Segregation

Anonymous 08/12/21 (Thu) 18:51:05 a9217f (8) No.14339050

Top Atlanta-Area Elementary School BUSTED for Segregating Students Based on Race A black mother is demanding answers after her daughter’s elementary school segregated classrooms by their skin color.

Undoubtedly fueled by CRT, the separation was designed to give black students “more opportunities.” by removing them from their white peers so they can “learn better.” The Atlanta school had two classes for black students and six for white students. Kila Posey filed a federal discrimination complaint with the Department of Education after the Principal of Mary Lin Elementary School, who is also black, placed her second grader in one of the school’s “black only” classes. She spoke with WSBTV about the appalling series of events that left her in “disbelief.”

“First it was disbelief that I was having this conversation in 2020 with a person that looks just like me – a black woman. Its segregating classrooms. You cannot segregate classrooms. You can’t do it,” Posey told WSBTV. Posey had only been made aware of the Jim-Crow-style situation after she was told by the principal, Sharyn Briscoe, that her daughter wasn’t allowed to join a specific teacher’s class. “She said that’s not one of the black classes, and i immediately said, ‘what does that mean?’ I was confused. I asked for more clarification. I was like ‘we have those in the school?’ And she proceeded to say, ‘yes. I have decided that i am going to place all of the black students in two classes” When the outraged mother insisted that her daughter be put in a class with the white students anyways, she was menacingly told that her child would be “isolated.” “I explained to her she shouldn’t be isolated or punished because I’m unwilling to go along with your illegal and unethical practice. She said she was building community with the black families and i explained to her ‘thats not your job.”

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