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Vivek flips the question and destroys reporters over Trump-Russia collusion, Origins of Covid-19 and Hunter Biden Laptop

Anonymous  01/12/24 (Fri) 22:02:28 166eaf (7) No.20234663

File (hide): 7f9e21ac4e4e7c6⋯.mp4 (9.58 MB,640x360,16:9,SILENCE.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

Vivek flips the question and destroys reporters over Trump-Russia collusion, Origins of Covid-19 and Hunter Biden Laptop.


'That history is relevant to whats happening today.'



Cognitive Dissonance

I can confirm the methods listed below do work for waking people up. 2016- 2018 time frame I force fed red pills to anyone that I could friends, family, co-workers. They had to know what was going on, I literally made it my mission to tell them. I would even bring up some of the extremely dark stuff if I thought they could handle it. I still communicate with a select few daily, but most choose to ignore everything I tried to tell them, would become argumentative defending their stances, some family members questioned my sanity, and many friends slowly withdrew from our relationships. Unfortunately that has effected my wife and children's relationship with those people as well, though we are happy at home.

This website initially started as an attempt to show them what I had been trying to tell them. Its was built respectfully for them to learn. I never did give up on them, even though I have been severely disappointed with a few. Lovingly let them know what you stand for and don't budge. I have been working on my parents for years and it is not easy breaking through. They have lived their entire lives taught to think a certain way, or believe a certain thing, or trust certain people, however the current political climate is vastly different today then it was. I am beginning to see a renewed attention and concern for the life that they choose to live, and the world that they have allowed to get so bad, but I have damaged some of those relationships by pushing too hard, too quickly and I am personally afraid they won't ever acknowledge any of it. As you recognize people waking up, looking for the truth for themselves, or even questioning whats happening, I hope you remember this resource as a way to help them see more clearly, and I hope you feel comfortable sharing it with them.


Cognitive dissonance, a term coined by psychologist Leon Festinger in the 1950s, refers to a situation where a person experiences discomfort or distress due to holding two or more contradictory beliefs, values, or attitudes simultaneously. This psychological state often arises when someone's actions conflict with their beliefs or when new information challenges their existing perspectives.

For instance, if someone strongly believes in the importance of environmental conservation but drives a gas-guzzling vehicle, they may experience cognitive dissonance. Similarly, encountering credible information that contradicts a long-held belief can trigger cognitive dissonance.

Helping people to see past their set perceptions and consider alternative viewpoints is a delicate process. Here are some strategies that can be effective:

  1. Encourage Open-Mindedness: Start by fostering an environment where open-mindedness is valued. Encourage individuals to be curious and to consider different perspectives as a means of growth and learning, rather than a threat to their existing beliefs.

  2. Provide Information Gradually: Bombarding someone with contradictory information can often backfire, leading them to double down on their beliefs. Instead, introduce new information gradually and in a non-confrontational manner. This can make it easier for them to process and accept new viewpoints over time.

  3. Use Empathy and Understanding: Try to understand where the person is coming from and acknowledge their feelings and beliefs. This empathetic approach can build trust and open up a more productive dialogue.

  4. Encourage Critical Thinking: Help them develop critical thinking skills. Ask open-ended questions that prompt them to reflect on their beliefs and the evidence supporting them. This can lead to self-exploration and a more objective evaluation of their views.

  5. Lead by Example: Demonstrate flexibility in your own beliefs. Show that you are open to new information and willing to adjust your views when presented with compelling evidence. This sets a positive example and can make others more open to change.

  6. Use Credible Sources: When presenting alternative viewpoints, use sources that are credible and respected. People are more likely to consider new information if it comes from a trustworthy source.

  7. Focus on Shared Values: Find common ground and build on shared values. This can create a foundation of agreement from which you can explore differing viewpoints.

  8. Avoid Confrontation and Judgment: Avoiding aggressive or judgmental language is crucial. People are generally more receptive to new ideas when they don’t feel attacked or judged for their current beliefs.

  9. Be Patient: Changing deeply held beliefs is a process that takes time. Be patient and recognize that small shifts in perception are significant progress.

Remember, the goal is not to 'win' an argument or force someone to abandon their beliefs, but rather to encourage open-mindedness and critical thinking. By understanding cognitive dissonance and approaching conversations with empathy and respect, you can help others consider alternative viewpoints in a constructive way.

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