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Vindicated! State Dept. email showing $7 million bribe was withheld from Trump’s impeachment defense

>Jake Sullivan


Anonymous 02/21/22 (Mon) 06:23:50 70d682 (17) No.15681259

At the same time, Burisma announced Hunter Biden had been appointed as head of the company’s legal unit, an announcement which has since been scrubbed from the company’s website. The $7 million bribe was allegedly paid while Hunter Biden was in charge of Burisma’s legal affairs.

In a strange case of “coincidence,” Hunter Biden’s appointment to the board came as Burisma came under investigation by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office.

The probe came about because Burisma’s owner, Nikolai Zlochevsky, the country’s former minister of ecology, had been able to obtain what was described as an “unusually large” number of permits to extract oil and gas, “many of which he appeared to have received during his time as minister.”


Vindicated! State Dept. email showing $7 million bribe was withheld from Trump’s impeachment defense team

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