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UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream. Get Ready.

UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream. Get Ready. The upcoming Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force report, due to arrive in Congress on Friday, signals a religious sea change in America. Meanwhile, the media’s campaign to normalize UFOs is seeding our minds with alien life forms. As such, we are witnessing a fringe mythology rise up from moldy basements to explode across the prestige press. The psychologist Carl Jung wrote in 1957, at a time when “flying saucers” were being spotted all over the planet, “We have here a golden opportunity of seeing how a legend is formed, and how in a difficult and dark time for humanity a miraculous tale grows up of an attempted intervention by extra-terrestrial ‘heavenly’ powers.” Half a century later, these celestial entities have hit the big time. On June 8, the former director of the U.S. government’s latest, no-longer-secret UFO program, Luis Elizondo, told the Washington Post he’s convinced these aerial phenomena are “beyond next generation technology…50 to 1,000 years ahead of us.” Naturally, he postulated extraterrestrials. But it only got weirder from there. “This could be something that is extra hyper dimensional,” he speculated, “in a quantum physics sense. We know that the universe is full of shortcuts and loopholes.”

Note: L. A. Marzulli has gone deep into this, his view is this is related to bluebeam wherein they stage the alien disclosure/arrival and claim that these aliens invented Jesus/Buda/Allah etc…and it's all fake and the real religion is them aka the cabal bloodlines of the fallen who they claim are advanced aliens and not multidimensional entities


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