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U.N. Taking Down Private Websites - Domain Level Censorship

Anonymous 12/04/21 (Sat) 18:30:15 be41a4 (29) No.15136506

We The Media, [12/4/2021 6:19 PM] U.N. Taking Down Private Websites - Domain Level Censorship The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline. CTED notifies domain registrars of "extremist" sites i.e., those that promote narratives they don't approve of and the sites can no longer be found. This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the crosshairs…it is all of us. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.== [Forwarded from Pepe Deluxe (Pepe Deluxe)]


I have ran backups of this site for myself over the years and after reading this I am currently compiling a current back up (12.4.21) and signed up for a seedbox to host it as a torrent for anyone that wants an offline backup should something happen. I am new to seedboxes and FTP, but will update with torrent link in the sidebar once I get it in place.


Obama Surrenders Control of the Internet

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-Welcome to the Deepend!


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