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The Great Reset - The Fed Lied to us All

Anonymous 02/03/22 (Thu) 07:39:36 d69fc2 (1) No.15534996

Take 16 minutes to watch the video below. The world is about to change forever.

Basically - your bank has stolen everything from you, and have been hiding it from all of us with smoke and mirrors and "waiting periods", and now they want to kill you swiftly so they will never be held accountable for their crimes.

The fraud is so big it'll destroy all the world's economies. (Likely it already has.) Consider what you can do now to prepare. "Nothing can stop what is coming" has new meaning for me today.


Previous U.S. Lost 301,000 Jobs in January vs. Predicted 200,000 Gained


Anonymous 01/20/22 (Thu) 08:09:16 f77ab5 (6) No.15421062

Bank of Russia Seeks to Outlaw Mining and Trading of Crypto Central bank proposed a far-ranging ban in a report Thursday Russia’s FSB is also pushing for a ban on cryptocurrencies The central bank of Russia, the third-biggest crypto mining nation in the world, proposed a blanket ban on the use and creation of all cryptocurrencies domestically.

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