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Stop the Political Prosecution of President Trump

Anonymous 04/04/23 (Tue) 11:36:03 f8079c (2) No.18639016

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr·33s My father, President Trump is expected to be arraigned at 2:15 today. Sign the petition to defend the Constitution and stop the political persecution of President Trump and the other political persecutions this opens the door for in the future!!! Enough! Stop the Political Prosecution of President Trump Donald J. Trump, a former President of the United States, was just arraigned on unprecedented criminal charges by a rogue Soros-backed prosecutor in New York City. The American justice system is supposed to be about fairness, not politics. This is a despicable case of political prosecutors taking out candidates they don’t like. As ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow argued at the Supreme Court on behalf of President Trump, we can’t allow 2,300 local prosecutors to harass a President for politically motivated reasons. Political prosecutions like these are the kind of thing you expect in third-world dictatorships, not America.


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