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State AGs Blast Biden, Wall Street Plan To Sell Rights To America's Public Lands

“What is happening here is clear,” the AGs wrote. “The Commission and the NYSE are seeking to implement a radical environmental agenda through the rulemaking process (and outside the legislative process).”


Anonymous  01/12/24 (Fri) 22:19:07 2b1186 (1) No.20234754


Currently, much of the land under federal control is intended for public use, which includes farming, ranching, hunting, fishing, drilling, mining, hiking, and camping, according to its designation by Congress. In many western states, including Idaho, Alaska, and Utah, more than 60 percent of the land is government owned. About 85 percent of the land in Nevada is government owned.

“On the spectrum of serious ESG threats, this is one of the most concerning, and least understood,” Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, who co-authored the letter, told The Epoch Times. “I don’t think most people in America even know about it; it was done very quietly.

“There are a number of interests---big government, extreme environmental activism,” he said. “It’s about power, money, and who controls what can happen on these lands.”


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