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Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: VAX Side Effects-Mother with Disabled Daughter Breaks Down

Kraken Wood, [03.07.21 00:09] [Forwarded from Luna Rel]

Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Mother with Disabled Daughter Breaks Down Crying While Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life US Senator Ron Johnson held press conference with families who are victims of the COVID vaccine Monday at the Federal Courthouse in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The families from across the country came to talk about the adverse reactions they have experienced after taking a COVID-19 vaccine. Just last week the CDC admitted they were finding more cases of rare heart inflammation than expected in young adults who took the COVID vaccine. The CDC also admitted last week that more people young people have been hospitalized from the COVID vaccine than from the COVID virus. On Monday several families discussed the horrors they have faced since taking the vaccine. One mother, Stephanie de Garay, cried as she told the story of her daughter, Maddie de Garay, who was an active, healthy young woman until she took the COVID vaccine in December. This was heartbreaking testimony.



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