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Russia has stopped Uranium exports to the United States.

Anonymous 09/28/23 (Thu) 19:11:47 6e5009 (9) No.19628555

Russia has stopped Uranium exports to the United States.


Anonymous 09/17/23 (Sun) 14:19:31 84c5c2 (12) No.19567608



Joe Biden blocked uranium mining today on a million acres bordering the Grand Canyon. Why would Biden block mining for an element used for nuclear power plants, electricity, radiation treatments? We already import 95% of our uranium from countries like Russia, Kazakhstan, Africa. And now, Joe is single-handedly losing Africa to Russia, who already controls our Uranium supply chain through its satellites. America already sends a billion dollars to Putin’s crown jewel uranium base, Rosatom. The same Rosatom that took over Uranium One, the company that donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, when Hillary was Obama’s Secretary of State. So why is Joe Biden funding Russia’s dangerous uranium monopoly?


Anonymous 09/17/23 (Sun) 14:15:08 99c57f (40) No.19567586

Article from 2018 about Rosatom U1 informant Clinton connects to Rosatom etc


Uranium 1

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