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(R) Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Bar Chinese Communist Party Members & Families from Universities

Anonymous 02/22/22 (Tue) 12:39:34 ba77b4 (33) No.15691702

Republican lawmaker introduces bill to bar Chinese Communist Party members and their families from American universities Last week, Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) introduced a bill that would prevent high-ranking officials of the Chinese Communist Party and their families from studying at American universities, the Epoch Times reported. Hartzler said that barring CCP officials and their family members from attending American universities would “undermine” the Chinese government’s attempts at harming the United States. The congresswoman said, “We have to realize that China has a plan for world domination. It sounds like some Hollywood movie; that’s the reality.” “We shouldn’t be aiding and abetting those who want to do us harm. It’s just wrong,” she added. Hartzler’s bill, the “Protecting Higher Education from the Chinese Communist Party Act,” would immediately stop the government from issuing student and research visas to senior CCP officials and their family members. This would prohibit the CCP members’ children and grandchildren from attending American universities. According to data gathered by the Institute of International Education and the U.S. State Department, during the 2020-2021 academic year, there were significantly more than 300,000 Chinese nationals enrolled in American institutions of higher learning.

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