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President Donald J. Trump in Robstown, TX Links

Anonymous 10/22/22 (Sat) 19:54:42 7e6bbf (9) No.17702805

President Donald J. Trump in Robstown, TX Links


Anonymous 10/22/22 (Sat) 19:16:40 4e9e47 (12) No.17702778

New Trump Force One in the skies


LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: THOUSANDS Turn Out to See President Donald Trump in Robstown, Texas


Anonymous 10/22/22 (Sat) 22:36:55 56a9cb (1) No.17705087



🔴LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Save America Rally in Robstown, TX 10/22/22 Right Side Broadcasting Network ---------------— notes from the rally below, 8kun under attack by spammer again. ---------------- 4:00PM – Special Guest Speakers Deliver Remarks 7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks --------—- Trump comes out wearing a maga hat with 45 on the side of the hat. djt: 17 days until the midterm elections djt: We are going to stop maga (make America great again) djt: There is a leaker on the supreme court djt: Death penalty for smugglers (blue ribbon committees) djt: President is the king of china (pm for life) djt: China shoot the drug dealer and send the bullet to the family and get them to pay for the bullet (mafia succession killed) djt: Under Obama they would not take back ms13 djt: Bringing in Trump Security measures when reps come back. djt: Trump won every single border town, never happened djt: Trump got the bay of pigs award djt: Death penalty for killing a police person djt: days notice for this rally and look at it. djt: turning our country into a police state, communists system djt: the media is a big problem, they are corrupt and deceitful. djt: we are suing the Pulitzer organization for wrong reporting djt: the time to stand up to this tyranny is right now djt: trump Stands whilst the crowd sing the star spangled banner djt: When this group stood up, i thought we had protesters djt: all they do is investigate, frankly if we started that, boy they would be in trouble djt: Nancy Pelosi was charge of security djt: the sent me a subpoena, can you believe it djt: have you looked at the boxers hoax djt: if we spied on Obama they would put out the death penalty djt: the FBI hunter laptop made a 17 point difference to the result djt: peekaboo James (i am going to get him) djt: elections are moar important then the borders djt: Crowd chants we love trump djt: prior to china virus we were uniting all sides of the country djt: Trump plays Biden video again lets get ready to bumble djt: crowd chants joes gotta go lets go Brandan djt: They think usa are playing 4 dimensional chess, i know what that is. do you djt: the war would never happened cos the oil price, they would not have been able to afford it djt: dan patrick (after hurricane harvey) trump was there djt: vote for ken paxton (make America Texas) m.a.t kek djt: beautiful baby djt: mike lindel (they took his phone) djt: Truth social is no 1 over tic tock and twitter djt: 93 rallies attended by these beautiful ladies djt: we do not need satellites lies sending signals all over the place djt: We want simple old fashioned voting djt: A lot of the people who police the voting stations are thugs. djt: vote on the day and help out the polling stations. djt: music starts wwg1 wga A nation in decline speech. djt: (in above speech added) Halloween will be used to give fentanyl to children djt: music plays (hold on i'm coming, lean on me) trump dancing again. End, total speech 1 hour and 40 minutes


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