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President Donald J Trump in Adel, IA -10/16/2023

Anonymous 10/16/23 (Mon) 15:56:24 0ed786 (1) No.19746118

ARCHIVING FIRST SPEECH IN IOWA LIVE - President Donald Trump Speaks at Two Locations in Iowa - 10/16/2023

--- President Trump : Takes the mic at 2.49pm

President Trump : Did you see Biden on 60 mins. do you

like Israel, Biden yes. (softball questions)

President Trump : Commit to caucus very important.

President Trump : 91 days are you ready, Iowa 1st

President Trump : We won the election twice in Iowa

President Trump : 28 billion farmer story pay from China

President Trump : Pretty soon we will have China buying again

President Trump : Gasoline just hit 5 and half dollars

President Trump : In Nov we are going to do something

President Trump : Israel and Ukraine would never have been attacked.

President Trump : 85 billion of military bought by me was left behind.

President Trump : Afghan is the largest arms dealer in the world.

President Trump : We defeated ISIS in 4 weeks story.

President Trump : Our military is not going woke. our military is great.

President Trump : Biden is incompetent and corrupt story

President Trump : Beautiful Hillary story.

President Trump : I used to say, don't start a war, but if you do, keep the oil.

President Trump : Iran and Iraq used to fight all the time

President Trump : We bombed Iraq and now you have Iran.

President Trump : Now we one power before there was two powers who kept each other in check.

President Trump : Worst trade deals, a arms dealer for Russia for one person. and the Iran deal

5 for 5 and $6 billion dollars

President Trump : Iran are now weeks away from having a nuke, once they get a nuke they will not even take your call.

President Trump : The snake, silence of the lambs. asylum s and terrorists coming.

President Trump : Today a judge put a gag order so unfair. i will appeal it. i am not allowed to criticize people.

President Trump : I have a book loaded up with lots of great statement. (no presidential seal on the back this time).

President Trump : Bidens questions were not questions.

they were giving him the answers, all he had to say was yes.

President Trump : They laugh at Biden, but they never laughed at us.

President Trump : French trade deal story.

President Trump : In Nov we are going to have the biggest event ever in out country.

President Trump : We have to win in November.

music plays Hold on I’m coming


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