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President Trump Rally - Delaware, Ohio 4.23.2022

Updated: Apr 24, 2022

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Delaware, Ohio, on Saturday, April 23, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT.


Trump Won


Anonymous 04/23/22 (Sat) 21:16:15 4efdab (1) No.16140801

Trump TruthSocial rally update


Anonymous 04/23/22 (Sat) 19:22:34 b5dffc (2) No.16139729

>>16139710 tyb LAST BREAD AGGREGATE NOTES FROM RALLY NOTE TAKER !! PDJT Rally Delaware, OH 23 APR 2022 [PDJT walks on stage, throwing red hats, with his hair glowing in the Ohio sunshine] [Huge USA chant] I want to say a very big Hello, Ohio. Together we are going to end Crazy Nancy's political career, she is crazy as a bedbug. When she loses she'll be out of there so fast.

For decades your state was ruthlessly betrayed by corrupt special interests. Right now our country is going to Hell. I got gas for cars down to 1.87 a gallon. PDJT says we were going to leave Afghanistan with dignity. I spoke to Abdul, we didn't lose a single soldier in 18 months. Third world nations have better borders than we do right now. Last month 127 different countries were represented by illegal aliens coming into our country. They are emptying out their prisons and sending them here. We had virtually no inflation, now inflation is costing the average family 6000 additional dollars a year, bigger than any tax. PDJT says we had 160 million people working, now, people aren't going back to work. We are now the laughingstock of every country in the world. They may not have liked me, but they respected us, and at a level of respect that hadn't been seen for decades, now they won't even return Biden's phone calls. We had tremendous success with COVID with therapeutics and Operation Warp Speed. PDJT says they do a lousy job except for public relations in cooperation with the Fake News. In the last year more people died under Biden than did under Trump. The USMCA is such a good deal for us that Mexico and Canada want to renegotiate. We saved the Steel industry, and we saved the washing machine industry. I sat down with the Whirlpool people and we put tariffs on South Korea and China who were dumping washing machines into our country. The chairman of Whirlpool cried when I saved their industry with two weeks left. I had a regulation that let you have as much water as you need. PDJT says we do have a water problem, we have too much water. I want to take good care of my hair, these new regulations were not allowing enough water to flow from the shower. I won't talk about the third element in the bathroom. The fact is the election was rigged and stolen and now our country is going to Hell. We now have a President who is shaking hands with the air and taking orders from the Easter Bunny. You know the Easter Bunny was a political operative. He did a good job, actually, we should hire that guy. PDJT says if you want to keep America in a death spiral you must absolutely go out and vote for the radical Democrats. If you want a country that is Great, Again, Again, you have to vote for America First Republicans. Biden and the socialists have done to our country what our worst enemies would never have dreamed of. We walk on liquid gold and they want us to buy from Venezuela, who has a dictator who is pushing everyone out but himself and about thirty people. 1 1/2 years ago we were energy independent, and today we are begging OPEC as well as Russia. PDJT says they are trying to replace COVID hysteria with climate hysteria. They want the masks on and the mail-in ballots for the election. They don't use the term global warming anymore because it was cooling down so they use the term climate change now. People who want open borders are either stupid or hate our country. They have sided with the drug cartels, where the money is so big, there is something more going on here. PDJT says the only thing MS-13 understands in toughness, and ICE walks right into their packs and starts swinging. I really think they want to get rid of our country. Just 15 months ago we had ended catch-and-release and build 500 miles of beautiful borders wall built to Border Patrol specs. But right now the Biden admin has blown the border to shreds. PDJT says he took the aptitude test because they thought he was stupid and he aced the test so now they just say he is a dictator who wants to take over the world. I don't like it when people call me stupid, I had great heritage, an uncle who was a genius, a father who was a genius. PDJT says he said let's go Doc Ronny I want to take that damn test. I took the test and aced it. Aced means I got every single question right. I think it should be mandatory for a President to take this test given what is currently going on. I like the socialist who runs Mexico. He laughed at me when I said we need 28,000 Mexican soldiers on the border for free. I said all of the cars that your built after stealing our industry will have a tariff on them come Monday morning. He said it would be an honor to put 28,000 Mexican soldiers on the border for free. I've never seen anyone fold like that. PDJT says he asked Angela how many Chevrolets we have in Berlin? She said none. I said you are right, but we have many Mercedes in America. I got NATO members to pay 400 billion, that is why NATO has money now. Obama sent blankets and Trump sent the tank-busters. The very same people who piously claim to be defending democracy are the ones crushing your wages and diluting your vote and handing your country over to millions of illegal aliens, all without your consent. PDJT says it is determinative, you know what determinative is, millions of totally corrupt votes. And two lights just went off in the media section. People don't historically vote from nursing homes very much, because they have other things going on. But now we find out in Wisconsin that many nursing homes had 100% turnout. The Biden border crisis is fueling a crime crisis in America. It is possibly not politically correct to say, but I don't care, our Democrat-run cities are more dangerous than Afghanistan. I was always torn, do I send in law enforcement or the military, but I decided to let the Democrats run their cities, which is good because they would have called me a dictator. PDJT says help is on the way, the reign of the corrupt Democrats ends this November. Our elections are a laughingstock. Look at France, same day voting all paper ballots. Democrats fight really dirty, they used COVID to cheat. That's why I am pleased to introduce a guy who said some bad sh-t about me, as did many others, and ultimately I put that aside, he is tough, smart, a former Marine, a fearless MAGA fighter, JD Vance. JD Vance says it is time to send people who know what time it is to Washington. Let me introduce again The President who knows what time it is is, DJT. PDJT says thank you JD, you get it, thank you. PDJT says you have to imagine all the liberal tears that will be cried when JD Vance wins on election day. Also with us tonight, some people are naturals, Max Miller, I am proud of him, he is like, my boy. Some people wanted my endorsement so badly, then they let you down, like Mitch McConnell. Paduchik had a nice Polish name, I like him, I like Polish people.

PDJT says JR Majewski has been carving the name Trump into farmland.

You could take the five worst Presidents in American history and they would not have done the damage Biden has done.

This is the most dangerous period in the history of our country, because of modern weaponry.

It would have never happened, I know Putin very well, and it didn't happen.

Under me, Russia took nothing.

In fact, I took their pipeline.

The only things Democrats are good at is using law enforcement against Republicans and stealing elections.

PDJT says we are going to win bigger and better and stronger than before.

This week a Trump-appointed judge liberated us from the oppressive mask mandate.

I was very proud to appoint that judge.

With a Republican Congress we will protect Parent's Rights.

No teach should be allowed to teach transgender to our children without parental consent.

[Huge Save Our Kids chant!]

PDJT says while we are at it we don't want men competing in women's sports.

A record that stood for 17 years in women's weightlifting was broken by a man.

The women who are getting beaten are afraid to comment, I'm not afraid to comment.

We will get CRT out of our classrooms and our military.

We don't have a free press and we don't have free speech anymore.

Before 2016 America had a free and open Internet.

That all changed when I began using social media to defeat Crooked Hillary.

note, rally note taker has not finished notes on the rally, just needed to be added to these 3 posts - o7

God speed ahead


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Delaware, OH

Donald J. Trump Published April 24, 2022 67,356 View


Anonymous 04/23/22 (Sat) 21:55:49 34164d (4) No.16141037

>>16140954 [Resuming part 3 after severe weather] Before 2016 America had a free and open Internet. That all changed when I began using social media to bypass the corrupt media and defeat Crooked Hillary. [Lock Her Up chant] This terrified the Left and Big Tech because they saw the social media could be used to challenge them. They conspired to ban me from every social media platform. Millions of you had already experienced Big Tech censorship. Truth Social is going to do well, its moving along nicely. Non-iPhone users are coming very soon. Our team is working around the clock. At Truth Social we are cancelling the plague; we'll work with Rumble. Finally, we have no choice, we must restore the integrity of our elections. No more dropboxes, and no private money. How about Zuckerberg, he puts in 417 million dollars in Democrat areas. If you spend 100 dollars they put you in jail, this guy spent 417 million, you think that is fair? Follow the lead of patriots in Arizona like Kari Lake and replace electronic voting machines with transparent hand count, hand, hand count system; paper, paper, paper, paper, we don't have to worry about signals being sent out from the sky.


President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Delaware, OH - 4/23/22

Saturday, April 23, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks


Delaware County Fairgrounds

236 Pennsylvania Ave

Delaware, OH 43015

Timeline of Events:

8:00AM – Parking and Line Opens

2:00PM – Doors Open and Entertainment Begins

4:00PM – Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks

7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

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Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
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-Welcome to the Deepend!


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