Pelosi Banned from Receiving Communion and Husband Arrested This Morning for DUI in Napa: Comms for The Last Supper? In the same week Catholic Bishops begin banning Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion (aka bread and wine, the body and blood of Christ), her husband is arrested for DUI in…..Napa Vally (aka Wine Country). Holy Communion = The Last Supper where Jesus broke bread and drank wine with his disciples is represented in the Catholic Church during Mass with bread and wine. The body and blood of Christ. Comms? The Last Supper? https://conservativebrief.com/ban-63263/?utm_source=CB&utm_medium=SG

https://christianity.org.uk/article/bread-wine-and-water >being banned from communion is a pretty big deal.

Wyoming rally last night Trump stated some texts would be coming out in the next couple of days and they will be beauts when talking abot 0bama knowing about the collusion and coup… Red carpet event tonight? State dinner. What will the texts reveal? MOAB or precursor? Incoming MOAB, duck and cover
>>16364284 Treason doesn't pay well in the end.
Boom Week Ahead

He caught them all
only he could do it
let's see what happens
“The question I get asked more than any other question is ‘can you assure us that our vote in 2022 and 2024 will count?’… and we will assure you, we’ll never let that happen again – and we haven’t stopped working on that. By the way, we’re not stopping and we have some big things currently in the works…”