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Onlookers urged police to charge into Texas school

Anonymous 05/26/22 (Thu) 08:57:35 61d4b1 (7) No.16344232

This video make so much more sense now. The cops literally stopped parents from helping their kids.


Cops stood outside the school while the killer rampaged inside. Onlookers yelled at them to go in. They didn’t. One parent urged bystanders: “Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to.” @AP story:


Anonymous 05/26/22 (Thu) 09:09:10 f05a62 (10) No.16344307 Every cop in this video could be a hero tonight. Just write a little note and then do what needs to be done. Be a hero for once. You should really do it this time. If you’re a cop and reading this, I believe in you. Do it. It’s your one opportunity at redemption.


Not only did cops with long guns have their tasers out, ready to stop parents from saving their own children, it looks like the cops have one parent pinned to the ground. You can hear one person yell, "what the fuck are you doing to him? Let him up!"

The full video is over 6 minutes long:

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