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Obama: Past Conquests

Tony Rezko (Chicago)

Only 2 of Many

NASA | SpaceX

Anonymous 08/08/21 (Sun) 04:00:13 987d9a (22) No.14296488

BO deliberately scaled back NASA in order to subsidize SpaceX so as to be able to share the most current rocket technology with NK. $$ misappropriate to BHO needs/desires; can attain papers/plans via FOIA Obama dismantle the shuttle program so the U.S. military can not send their satellites/weapons/equipment into space. SpaceX is a private company with it's own patents/IP (intellectual property) and receives funds from the government SpaceX-Private entity no FOIA requests honored. SpaceX is a space program controlled by the Globalists, so the Globalists can send their own satellites/weapons/military equipment into space. CIA control of NK, SpaceX providing technology (private entity, not government, avoiding conflict/suspicion). CIA or other entities could more easily share those patents/IP from SpaceX with NK rather than sharing NASA information which would certainly be highly illegal.


Anonymous 08/08/21 (Sun) 07:02:02 c8af1c (1) No.14296864

>SpaceX-Private entity no FOIA requests honored. Well, there's always teh 'follow the money' angle. $9.3 BIllion for all FYs to Space Exploration Technologies….


Anonymous 08/08/21 (Sun) 04:14:35 987d9a (22) No.14296511

Tony Rezko -


Anonymous 08/08/21 (Sun) 04:15:27 987d9a (22) No.14296514


Anonymous 08/08/21 (Sun) 04:16:35 987d9a (22) No.14296516


Anonymous 08/08/21 (Sun) 04:17:08 987d9a (22) No.14296518


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