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Bob Huges "They don't want this election secured. There's something they're intending to do."

Bob Hughes managed the largest printing company in Arizona and printed the Maricopa ballots for 16 years.

As somebody who knows printing, it made absolutely zero sense what they were doing with this election.

/// In this video Bob Hughes mentions Karen Fann to release audit data on Monday however that that is incorrect and has been refuted by Mrs. Fann///


Anonymous 06/29/21 (Tue) 17:26:27 4cc825 (8) No.14016666

Arizona Audit: Boxes Rechecked at Center – Spreadsheets Undergo Review – Tabulators Moved Onto Floor

The Arizona Audit continues with quality control checks, recounting boxes, and reviewing the re-count spreadsheets. The team will evacuate Veterans Memorial Coliseum tomorrow. Tabulation machines were also moved into the far corral seen above, from the designated storage area seen on camera 1 at Camera two is the only camera streaming now. Pallets of completed boxes have been moved to one side of the stadium and are organized in numerical order. The pallets have also been organized in the same sequence as they were delivered, with the same boxes. All ballots have an accurate chain of custody. AZGOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward retweeted an update from @Jellen805 The completed corral is open for recounting boxes and the previously empty corral is now full of tabulation machines. Volunteers are recounting boxes with an observer in order to guarantee 100% accuracy and a flawless process. There absolutely will be a legal fight when the results come out. On one side of the coliseum, more volunteers were trained to review recount spreadsheets. They are doing these extra checks to ensure that data entry was accurate and corresponds to tally sheets. Karen Fann insists that they are not in a rush to release any information. The full forensic audit is about accuracy. Christina Bobb said that it would be easy for them to deliver a report that says the election was accurate, but ‘not accurate’ is a harder statement. She does hope to see something from the Senate early this week. Spokesperson Randy Pullen told TGP’s Jordan Conradson that they should be finished today after they complete their spot checks and data reconciliation. These results will not be easy to present to the public because we all know this was NOT a secure election. As the Senate finishes passing the budget and new election integrity bills, we hope to hear a statement from the Arizona Senate in the near future. If you want to see this process in your home state, contact your legislators NOW!

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