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Nikki Haley DID cheat on husband Michael - had affairs with her comms consultant and a MARRIED South Carolina lobbyist

Anonymous  02/04/24 (Sun) 16:31:37 2325ad (13) No.20357101

EXCLUSIVE Nikki Haley DID cheat on husband Michael - had affairs with her comms consultant and a MARRIED South Carolina lobbyist before she became governor, sworn affidavits and new witnesses claim

    Nikki Haley, 51, denied claims she cheated on her husband Michael before she became South Carolina governor in 2010 saying she was '100% faithful'

    Now, multiple GOP insiders tell that they were intimately aware of Haley's infidelity at the time, saying: 'It was totally out in the open'

    Communications consultant Will Folks, 49, and lobbyist Larry Marchant, 61, both signed affidavits in 2010 alleging they had a sexual relationship with Haley


70 percent of Haley voters in New Hampshire were not registered Republicans: CNN exit poll



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