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New twist in FBI raid: Trump had 'standing order' to declassify documents taken to residence

Anonymous 08/13/22 (Sat) 18:27:26 a934a8 (18) No.17388138

Liz Harrington / @realLizUSA 08/13/2022 17:07:08 ID: Not Available Truth Social: 108817601530583399 John Solomon / @jsolomonreports 08/12/2022 20:26:36 ID:Not Available Truth Social: 108812723562199867 BREAKING: Trump describes process of how he declassified documents found at Mar-a-Lago | Just The News “The very fact that these documents were present at Mar-a-Lago means they couldn’t have been classified…He had a standing order that documents removed from the Oval Office and taken into the residence were deemed to be declassified. The power to classify and declassify documents rests solely with the President of the United States. The idea that some paper-pushing bureaucrat, with classification authority delegated BY THE PRESIDENT, needs to approve of declassification is absurd.” RT:


>Donald Trump's office told Just the News on Friday that the classified materials the FBI seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate were declassified under a "standing order" while he was president that allowed him to take sensitive materials to the White House residence at night to keep working.

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