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Mike Johnson addresses Congress after being elected House speaker

Mike Johnson addresses Congress after being elected House speaker

Anonymous 10/25/23 (Wed) 14:42:04 86541c (3) No.19800397

MJ: this speakership will be to decentralized big government.


Anonymous 10/25/23 (Wed) 14:34:26 2f2d2a (3) No.19800357


Speaker Johnson brings the Book

Reminds me of POTUS walking to St. John's





Anonymous 10/25/23 (Wed) 14:34:40 49bf56 (4) No.19800359

Congratulations Mike Johnson

Finally got a speaker. I hope he does US right.

Didn't know what pic was til now:

Mace of the United States House of Representatives

The Mace of the United States House of Representatives,[1] also called the Mace of the Republic, is a ceremonial mace and one of the oldest symbols of the United States government. It symbolizes the governmental authority of the United States, and more specifically, the legislative authority of the House of Representatives.


Anonymous 10/25/23 (Wed) 15:08:28 ab4c63 (10) No.19800555


Anonymous 10/25/23 (Wed) 14:37:52 2f2d2a (3) No.19800377

>>19800357 Mike Johnson's report card that assesses how hard one shills for Ukraine gave him the lowest grade possible. On the surface, this seems like a huge upgrade compared to the Ukraine flag wearing McCarthy who satiated Zelensky at every possible turn. Johnson has been given Trump's approval and he was an integral part in questioning the 2020 election. Overall, this is a win where we desperately needed something to be encouraged by. And I, for one, will take it.


Rep. Mike Johnson: Trump Insider on the Increased Racial Tensions in America | Amanpour and Company - 6/9/2020


Anonymous 10/25/23 (Wed) 14:56:10 8284e3 (4) No.19800485

Congressman Johnson questions U.S. military officials during a House Armed Services hearing 14K views · 2 years ago…more Johnson questions McKenzie, Austin and Milley on who was to blame of the failure of withdrawal of Afghanistan?. Except for McKenzie the others wouldn’t admit who’s fault it was. And Milley says re: Joe, I cannot share the plans I discuss with the President. Hmm I guess sharing with China is fine, but not the House Members.


Anonymous 10/25/23 (Wed) 15:33:39 8284e3 (4) No.19800727

Rep. Johnson Grills DHS Sec. Mayorkas· 2 months ago.

You don’t have to watch this but Johnson did not allow Mayorkas to lie with his word salad answers or non answers. Mayorkas just wastes time by his long winded bullshit winding answers. Johnson calls him out for lying under oath!

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