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Massive Child Sex Trafficking Ring Busted, Ran for Decades, Protected By Police in Exchange for Sex

Anonymous 12/18/21 (Sat) 12:48:31 52f394 (31) No.15214131

Massive Child Sex Trafficking Ring Busted, Ran for Decades, Protected By Police in Exchange for Sex Queens, NY — Six sex traffickers were arrested this week for running a Queens-based sex trafficking ring which trafficked young women and children from Mexico into the US. One of those indicted in Brooklyn federal court was a Putnam County police officer who was protecting, not the children, but the child sex traffickers — in exchange for sex. Wayne Peiffer, a Village of Brewster police officer has been helping human traffickers smuggle in children and younger women from Mexico for years. The sadistic human smuggling scheme has been in operation for nearly two decades since at least 2002, according to the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York. According to the indictment, Peiffer protected the child sex trafficking ring in exchange for sex with the victims. For years, Peiffer helped the ring avoid arrests, tipped them off to stings, and allowed them to abuse children and young women by exploiting the trust in his badge. According to the complaint, in exchange for the protection, Peiffer had his way with the trafficking victims, even bringing them to the police station where he would rape them. For more than eight years, Peiffer allegedly directed members of the Cid-Hernandez Sex Trafficking Organization and the Godinez Prostitution Business to deliver women to him, including at the BPD police station, so that he could engage in sexual activity with the women at no cost to Peiffer. In exchange, Peiffer provided the Cid-Hernandez Sex Trafficking Organization and the Godinez Prostitution Business protection from arrest, including by advanced warning of law enforcement operations and intervening to prevent arrest. “The individuals named in the indictment were part of an elaborate network of conspirators that used deception and coercion to sell dreams of a better life in the United States to young and impressionable women, who arrived only to be forced into a miserable life of torment, sexual abuse and prostitution at the hands of their captors,” stated HSI Acting Special Agent-in-Charge Ricky J. Patel. “The criminal organization also allegedly retained the services of a corrupt cop, who betrayed the badge and the people that he swore to protect by being complicit in these deplorable acts and accepting payments in sexual favors.” Sadly, many victims of sex trafficking have similar stories of police officers protecting their captors.

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