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Kash Patel Drops Truth bombs on the Mar-A-Lago Raid

Anonymous 08/12/22 (Fri) 12:57:20 2103ad (27) No.17382629

>>17382577 One day after AG Garland said "We ONLY go through the court filing process", they're leaking like a seive. And there were no 'classified' documents, Kash already proved POTUS declassified it all.


Anonymous 08/12/22 (Fri) 12:42:31 729033 (11) No.17382577

FBI agents found dozens of classified documents in Mar-a-Lago search: sources (NewsNation) — FBI agents found dozens of classified documents during their search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago on Monday, sources confirmed to NewsNation. Investigators discovered classified documents in two areas: Trump’s personal office above a ballroom and in a storage room near the pool. Sources say there were “boxes everywhere,” with some containing Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI). Those are considered some of the highest level of classified documents.

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