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Israeli Prime Minister’s psychiatrist commits suicide

Anonymous 11/07/23 (Tue) 17:25:03 046a5f (24) No.19877462

Israeli Prime Minister’s psychiatrist commits suicide

Dr. Moshe Yatom was discovered dead in his Tel Aviv home by a gunshot wound and a letter that holds Netanyahu responsible.

>The journey began with Netanyahu’s shocking assertion that the 9/11 attacks on Washington and New York were “good,” leaving Yatom in disbelief. In subsequent sessions, Netanyahu equated Iran with Nazi Germany and went as far as dubbing Iran’s nuclear energy program a “flying gas chamber,” while suggesting that all Jews were living perpetually in Auschwitz. Yatom’s relentless attempts to guide his patient’s thinking proved fruitless, and as self-serving rationalizations continued to pour forth, they took a devastating toll on Yatom, ultimately leading to his tragic downfall.



Thanksgiving message 2018

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