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'I am not suicidal,' Smollett yells after sentencing

Actor Jussie Smollett, one-time star of the TV drama "Empire," was sentenced in a Chicago court to 30 months probation and 150 days in jail on Thursday for staging a hate crime against himself.


Close Ties to Kamala Harris and the Obamas... I wonder who could possible want him dead.

When you take into account the timing and his premeditation, in the context of the larger picture Jussie is guilty of much much more. #jussiedidntkillhimself


Anonymous 03/10/22 (Thu) 19:03:18 b7ea28 (1) No.15832686


Anonymous 03/10/22 (Thu) 19:08:33 631bd5 (11) No.15832739

>>15832686 only if he turns in his handlers


Anonymous 03/10/22 (Thu) 19:08:42 28e1a6 (1) No.15832742

Smollett raw police footage

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