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Hunter Biden Laptop: Blue Light Special

Anonymous 12/06/21 (Mon) 18:08:18 43c749 (2) No.15148046

HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL: Audio Reveals Walmart Chairman Greg Penner With Hunter Biden 'Pulling The Trigger To Stop Trump' Prior To Election

The Robert Hunter Biden (RHB) laptop from Hell is the political gift that keeps on giving to the American public, and to those opposed to the Biden administration.??

CDMedia has been provided with evidence that documents a conversation between the President's son, Hunter Biden, and the Chairman of the Board of the Walmart Corporation, America's biggest brick and mortar retail chain.??The conversation took place in October of 2018.

The question is - why did Hunter Biden tape a conversation between greg penner, Chairman of Walmart/Madrone Capitol, in 2018???The conversation was planned via email/sms message and the audio is below.?

The audio file was found in the iTunes folder on the RHB laptop, which was concealed by the FBI for a year before being delivered to the New York Post, which posted some of its salacious content.??However, a close examination of the massive numbers of files on the computer have struck political gold.??

The audio transcript shows a discussion of 'pulling the trigger' to influence the 2020 election, to stop President Trump and the Trump movement, in addition to influencing the Democratic primary.

(2:20) RHB:

"Overall objective here is to stop, not only Donald Trump, but to stem the tide of what Donald Trump represents."

RHB Laptop contains e-mails in which:

RHB asked to discuss a confidential matter with penner, stating?" That's best not to be done by text or email."?(11 August 2017)?

Reposting from anon's OP in last bread

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