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Hunter Biden blockbuster: Memos detail quiet effort to assist indicted Ukrainian oligarch

Post 13327652 2 hours ago • View on 8kun

Hunter Biden blockbuster: Memos detail quiet effort to assist indicted Ukrainian oligarch Hunter Biden and his business partner engaged in an effort to assist a fugitive Ukrainian oligarch indicted by his father's administration, an effort that briefly captured the FBI's attention and led one of the lawyers in the case to express concern that using the then-vice president's son might backfire, according to emails, text messages and interviews. The effort by Hunter Biden and Devon Archer to assist Dmitri Firtash began in spring 2015 when they were contacted by one of the oligarch's associates, and an American lawyer for the oligarch was instructed to provide them an overview of the case, including desires to contact U.S. government officials. Firtash, one of Ukraine's wealthiest businessmen, already had been indicted by the Obama-Biden administration more than a year earlier on corruption charges in Chicago, allegations that Firtash has long denied. Firtash was challenging extradition to the United States from Austria, where he was living, and was seeking to return to his home country of Ukraine, where the economy and security teetered after a Russian invasion of its Crimean region.

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