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Fulton County DA Fani Willis holds press conference after indictments in Trump

Anonymous 08/14/23 (Mon) 23:24:02 03e1e4 (3) No.19360549

LIVE: Fulton County DA Fani Willis holds press conference after indictments in Trump- Georgia case

- Georgia DA Fani Willis News Conference on Trump Election Case Indictment Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis speaks to reporters after a grand jury hands down an indictment in the case involving former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

Anonymous 08/15/23 (Tue) 00:08:50 99b22e (4) No.19360882


Kash says Trump’s indictments have given him the ammo he needs to defeat the Deep State: “Now they’ve given him free reign to expose their corrupt actions. It’s no longer just a possibility, or a maybe, or a possible fiction. It is a reality that they are dancing in every single day, and I think it only emboldens President Trump to defeat them across the board.” 💥 Justice is coming.


First they "leak" the indictment before the jury even voted, then they forget to redact juror names


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