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Freedom Caucus Chairman Good takes shot at Speaker Johnson: 'Don't assume you have our votes'

Anonymous 01/21/24 (Sun) 17:17:03 b3b9bf (7) No.20279173

Freedom Caucus Chairman Good takes shot at Speaker Johnson: 'Don't assume you have our votes'

Good was very critical of the continuing resolution for it not including border security measures.

Updated: January 21, 2024 12:14am

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good is sending a warning to Speaker Mike Johnson on spending bills.

“Don’t assume you have our votes for the things that don’t matter, when you don’t want ‘em for things that do matter,”the Virginia Republican said on Friday, according to The Hill.

The remark came shortly after the House passed a continuing resolution on Thursday to extend current federal funding levels and avoid a government shutdown.

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