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Fed-up wives of border patrol agents are running for Congress in Texas

Mayra Flores is one of three wives of border patrol agents -- along with Cassy Garcia and Irene Armendariz Jackson -- running for Congress in Texas because they are frustrated by the US government's handling of the border.

Anonymous 10/07/22 (Fri) 06:44:20 d3425c (4) No.17645624

Fed-up wives of border patrol agents are running for Congress in Texas New York Post, by Michael Kaplan Posted By: ladydawgfan, 10/7/2022 5:25:12 AM Living on the American side of the Mexican border can be chaotic and dangerous, as unauthorized migrant refugees — some 700,000 during this fiscal year alone — will go to incredible, even fatal lengths in attempting to cross into the US. For the men and women who work as border patrol agents, the out-of-control situation often creates debilitating stress. Now, three wives of border patrol agents are trying to do something about it by running for Congress in Texas’ Nov. 8 election. All are Republicans. Here are their stories and their motivations for stepping up:


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