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Fauci’s taxpayer funded animal experiments in Tunisia

Anonymous 10/24/21 (Sun) 20:14:13 cd7600 (33) No.14850911

Fauci’s taxpayer funded animal experiments in Tunisia

Fauci’s dog testing debacle is now an international disgrace. Not only is Fauci paying for beagle abuse here at home, but he also shipped our tax dollars overseas to have beagles eaten alive by insects in an African lab with no oversight from U.S. authorities. Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to foot the bill for this government waste and abuse. Congress must take action to investigate the full extent of Fauci’s dog testing debacle,” Mackie Burr, Director of Digital & Grassroots Development at the White Coat Waste Project said.

The article’s “Funding Statement” confirmed that it was given money by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and that NIH funding was given to the lab in Tunisia.

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