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Dem senator claims he didn't know event he attended was linked to Communist Party

Anonymous 12/19/21 (Sun) 13:08:03 d38580 (30) No.15219863

Dem senator claims he didn't know event he attended was linked to Communist Party — but video suggests otherwise Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) issued a mea culpa Friday after he was caught attending an event linked to the Community Party USA. What is the background? The Connecticut People's World Committee hosted its annual Amistad Awards last Saturday, Dec. 11. Not only did Blumenthal attend the event, but he honored the award winners with "certificates of special recognition" from the United States Senate, according to the Yankee Institute. The problem is: The Connecticut People's World Committee is directly associated with the Communist Party USA, and last Saturday's award ceremony was hosted in honor of the Communist Party USA's 102nd birthday.


Anonymous12/19/21 (Sun) 13:32:14841865 (9)No.15219987

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