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Death Blossom

Anonymous 12/18/21 (Sat) 13:38:35 e003b0 (3) No.15214372

We're waking up the normies. We have to get America rowing in the same direction. Public awakening is their greatest fear because they lose control. If it's unconstitutional, and you know it, then consider it null and void. Meanwhile Durham is still going and once the Russian collusion hoax falls apart a little moar, either other arrests start to happen leading up to hildog or military sees there was a coup attempt n they move in. It's all optics rn. PSYWAR…there's the Truth (aka God) and there's the deception. Only the Truth stands no matter what others believe at this time. We're exposing big pharma fraud, election fraud, irs fraud, fed res fraud.. you know the thing.. the thing! You know how we do. Deathblossom. This is spiritual warfare. Faith is required in order to gain clarity. Fear clouds that. Fear feels bad. Faith feels good.


Anonymous 12/18/21 (Sat) 14:20:19 bf8fcf (2) No.15214549

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 29890e No.5537208

Read carefully knowing what you know now.


Moves & Countermoves.

Death Blossom.



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