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Classified Ukraine documents discovered in Biden’s possession from time of Hunter’s Burisma work

“According to the appendices listing the documents recovered in the Justice Department investigation into Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, the president retained talking points and a telephone call transcript with the Ukrainian prime minister from a key period in Hunter Biden’s Burisma Holdings employment.”

Anonymous 02/08/24 (Thu) 20:40:38 9e51fb (12) No.20381540

Classified Ukraine documents discovered in Biden’s possession from time of Hunter’s Burisma work

The House impeachment inquiry into President Biden has previously sought to determine if any of the classified documents discovered in unsecured locations related to Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.

According to the appendices listing the documents recovered in the Justice Department investigation into Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, the president retained talking points and a telephone call transcript with the Ukrainian prime minister from a key period in Hunter Biden’s Burisma Holdings employment.

One appendix also lists a classified briefing on U.S. Energy Assistance to Ukraine, from September 2014, shortly after Hunter Biden had joined the board of the Ukrainian energy company.


 Chairman Comer Statement on Special Counsel Hur’s Report “Americans expect equal justice under the law and are dismayed the Justice Department continues to allow Joe Biden to live above it. Joe Biden willfully retained classified documents for years in unsecure locations and intentionally disclosed them yet faces no consequences for his actions. The House Oversight Committee has been investigating Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents and we have uncovered key facts that unravel the White House’s and President Biden’s personal attorney’s narrative of events.

“Additionally, important questions remain about the extent of Joe Biden retaining sensitive materials related to specific countries involving his family’s influence peddling schemes that brought in millions for the Bidens. While the Justice Department has closed its investigation, the Oversight Committee’s investigation continues. We will continue to provide the transparency and accountability owed to the American people.”


Anonymous  02/09/24 (Fri) 01:11:49 e08e93 (28) No.20382861

Prosecutors Decline To Charge ‘Elderly’ Biden Over ‘Poor Memory’


Report on the Investigation Into

Unauthorized Removal, Retention, and Disclosure of

Classified Documents Discovered at Locations

Including the Penn Eiden Center and the

Delaware Private Residence of

President Joseph R. Eiden, Jr.

Special Counsel Robert K. Hur

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