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Border Patrol Seizes Almost $13 Million Of Mexican Meth Being Smuggled Into USA

BORDER SECURITY- Border Patrol Seizes Almost $13 Million Of Mexican Meth Being Smuggled Into USA

The massive shipment of meth was concealed under frozen strawberries.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that it seized $12.7 million worth of methamphetamine being smuggled into the United States by a Mexican citizen who hid the drugs among frozen strawberries.

The discovery was made in Pharr, Texas last weekend, where CBP used imaging technology and the drug sniffing dogs President Donald J. Trump referenced in his recent rally to detect the nearly $13 million worth of methamphetamine hidden among frozen strawberries.

According to CBP, the shipment was being driven by a Mexican citizen delivering the strawberries to the United States.

Do we really understand the amount of drugs coming into our borders daily?

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