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Anons: Xi met with Kissinger on Nov 8 2018 and Nov 21 2019

April 8, 2020

Post 8727659 4 hours ago • View on 8kun

(Nov 8, 2019)

On November 8, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. (Nov 17, 2019) The first case of the novel coronavirus emerged on November 17, according to Chinese government data reviewed by the South China Morning Post. Really? Coordination? Marching Orders?

Post 8727813 4 hours ago • View on 8kun

Henry Kissinger told White House he talked to Xi about Trump, Kudlow says

Post 8727892 4 hours ago • View on 8kun

>>8727782 >>8727659 (You) Anon: Xi met with Kissinger on Nov 8 2019 (Nov 8, 2019) ← Error mtg in that article was (Nov 8, 2018) This was the (2019) mtg. Kissinger Says U.S. and China in ‘Foothills of a Cold War’ Bloomberg News November 21, 2019 Former U.S. Secretary of State speaks to NEF forum in Beijing Also in attendance: Bill Gates The New Economy Forum is being organized by Bloomberg Media Group, a division of Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News. Other guests include Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson.

Post 8727927 4 hours ago • View on 8kun

>>8727892 >Kissinger Says U.S. and China in ‘Foothills of a Cold War’ > >Bloomberg News > >November 8, 2018 > >Former U.S. Secretary of State speaks to NEF forum in Beijing > >Also in attendance: Bill Gates > >The New Economy Forum is being organized by Bloomberg Media Group, a division of Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News. Other guests include Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. > > notable

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