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Andrii Derkach Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years with Simone Mangiante

>“One United Criminal Group Exists -- This Group is Biden, Blinken, and Nuland” Andrii Derkach Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years with Simone Mangiante

BREAKING Watch the full interview with Andrii Derkach, the Ukrainian parliamentarian who exposed Biden’s family corruption in Ukraine and that have been targeted by both Ukraine and the USA as result. He disappeared from the public ever since but we achieved to catch him for an interview in Minsk Here his revelations about the threats to his life threats to other witnesses life court documents political persecution FBI undercover agents & much more I am doing this to serve the country and the entire world. Freedom is information against it all. People deserve to know the truth and what mainstream Media won’t reveal to you. corruption Truth calling


Anonymous 01/11/24 (Thu) 13:59:18 d2117a (33) No.20226423

Ex-Ukrainian MP calls for corruption charges in Biden impeachment probe Andrey Derkach claims US officials are shielding graft in his country “What’s important to me in the congressional investigation is not to bring Biden in for influence peddling. It is important for me that the final document of the Congress says that the money stolen from my fellow Ukrainians was taken out of Ukraine… and given to… Biden,” he said. The agency’s leadership makes “no secret of the fact that they carry out terrorist acts and political assassinations for extra-budgetary cash. Once again: Biden’s partners in the corruption business in Ukraine finance terrorist acts, thus avoiding responsibility for corruption in Ukraine,” the former official alleged.


Burisma Archives


Anonymous 01/11/24 (Thu) 13:57:27 d2117a (33) No.20226414

“One United Criminal Group Exists -- This Group is Biden, Blinken, and Nuland” – Andrii Derkach Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years with Simone Mangiante

Here his revelations about the

threats to his life

threats to other witnesses life

court documents

political persecution

FBI undercover agents & much more

I am doing this to serve the country and the entire world. Freedom is information against it all. People deserve to know the truth and what mainstream Media won’t reveal to you.

Derkach told Simone, “Those who speak aloud about Biden’s corruption in Ukraine are in danger of physical elimination”

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