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A speech therapist says her clinic has seen a 364% INCREASE in referrals of babies and toddlers.

Anonymous 02/07/22 (Mon) 09:51:02 3e2e1f (6) No.15567565

A speech therapist says her clinic has seen a 364% INCREASE in referrals of babies and toddlers. The therapist says masks are “most definitely” a factor.


Anonymous 02/07/22 (Mon) 09:16:37 bde035 (6) No.15567378


Anonymous02/07/22 (Mon) 09:22:23b0da84 (2)No.15567399

pathetic, transparent, and silly…..


Anonymous 02/07/22 (Mon) 09:37:39 5f7d49 (4) No.15567490

Agreed, from our perspectives as observant and thinking anons.

However, it is the most deeply reaching and longest lasting damage [they] are perpetrating upon young minds. Not even ClotShots, distancing and dis/mis information ‘Education’… is nearly as bad as the damage done by The Mask.


Anonymous 02/07/22 (Mon) 09:49:03 26cec1 (2) No.15567554

>>15567490 i know… it pains me deeply o7

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