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A doghouse struck by a meteorite has sold at auction $44,000

Anonymous 02/23/22 (Wed) 18:50:51 6c9716 (18) No.15703347

The doghouse, the former home of a German Shepherd named Roky, was projected to be the second most valuable item in the annual sale, titled "Deep Impact: Martian, Lunar and Other Rare Meteorites." A doghouse struck by a meteorite has sold at auction A doghouse that was struck by a meteorite fragment in April 2019 complete with a hole in the roof is among the items that sold on Wednesday in an auction of rare meteorites. 4:45 PM · Feb 23, 2022·


Anonymous 02/23/22 (Wed) 18:52:58 6c9716 (18) No.15703360

A doghouse struck by a meteorite has sold at auction Published 23rd February 2022 A doghouse that was struck by a meteorite fragment in April 2019 complete with a hole in the roof is among the items that sold on Wednesday during an online Christie's auction of rare meteorites. The doghouse, the former home of a German Shepherd named Roky, was projected to be the second most valuable item in the annual sale, titled "Deep Impact: Martian, Lunar and Other Rare Meteorites." It had a high estimate of $300,000, but it did not meet expectations, selling for just $44,000.


Anonymous 02/23/22 (Wed) 19:07:18 6c9716 (18) No.15703532

R = Renegade

44,000 44 = Obama, aka Renegade


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