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6780-6789 Notables

>>5312085 PANIC IN DC: Gov. Cuomo and a "coalition of governors" will make an announcement on Friday in DC

>>5312089 Pakistan has ordered its hospitals to go into a preparation for a possible war with India

>>5312191 El Chapo sons charged with Drug Trafficking

>>5312193 Senator Kamala Harris’ Jamaican Roots Press Secretary Dead At 30

>>5312287, >>5312443 Jon Solomon's visit by G-men started him on the path to find corruption

>>5312210, >>5312317, >>5312391 Dank Pepe QNN meme and alpha

>>5312236, >>5312375 Another one bites the dust: Zillow CEO stepping down

>>5312192, >>5312457 Something Big is about to drop graphics

>>5312507 L.A. Happenings: DEA-Led Crackdown on Prescription Opioid Diversion Targets Doctors w/ Criminal Charges, License Revocations

>>5312521 The U.S. will leave 200 troops in Syria for a period of time, according to the White House

>>5312509, >>5312450 Gay Black Veteran calls out Jussie Smollett

>>5312592 Tennessee governor pictured in 1980 yearbook wearing Confederate uniform at college frat party

>>5312592 Alabama newspaper editor won’t apologize for writing editorial saying KKK should "ride again"

>>5312633 NewsGuard Rates Lara Logan Podcast Transcript ‘Real News’ on Some Sites, ‘Fake News’ on Others

>>5312659 Kamala Harris statement on Jussie Smollett

>>5312669 Three freak 'accidents' at Centennial Airport in Colorado the past two days. What're the chances it's organic?

>>5312213 On Q's last post re NC election scandal

>>5311393 McConnell fast-tracks vote on Ocasio-Cortez's "Green New Deal."

>>5311311 Florida mayor opens fire at cops as they raid his home: sheriff.

>>5311349 Pope using Concrete 2 times today in speech.

>>5311278, >>5311286 Syria update.

>>5311309, >>5311400 IRS analyst charged with leaking Michael Cohen's bank records to Stormy Daniels' lawyer

>>5311402 Trump DC won #4 hotel in the US

>>5311455 US Oil Output Hits 12 Million Barrel-A-Day Milestone Way Ahead Of Schedule

>>5311457 Former English Language Teacher in China Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison for Distribution of Child Pornography

>>5311606 BREAKING: Federal prosecutors broke law in Jeffrey Epstein case, judge rules. Story still developing.

>>5311798 Andrew McCabe is the new Joe McCarthy

>>5311944 Q Clock Update -Reread crumbs

>>5311153 Sharpton, at meeting with Kamala Harris, says Smollett should face ‘maximum’ punishment if allegations true.

>>5310905 DJT Jr.: UC Berkeley assault.

>>5310803 Anon: Clipped all the recent Q mentions in TV series together with a nice little ending.

>>5310885 WaPo refused to cover charges brought against Smollett.

>>5310870 Testimony by FBI lawyer Trisha Anderson reveals extensive role in Trump, Clinton investigations.

>>5310748 Jussie Smollett runs from the press after being released from jail on $100K bond.

>>5310740 Conditioning the masses to an extreme agenda.

>>5310726 Verizon says 5G mobile service coming to 30 U.S. cities this year.

>>5310598 Austrian domestic intelligence is investigating Pepe the Frog.

>>5310339 Hundreds arrested in South Florida, Treasure Coast massage parlor bust.

>>5310318 JW: Obama admin researched and disseminated Russian intel to various senators immediately before POTOUS inaug.

>>5310276 RR remakrs at Wharton business and legal school: concrete steps.

>>5310256 Ideal Meme dimensions for the various social media platforms.

>>5309767 Coast Guard officer kept on the back burner for media coverage change?

>>5309735 POTUS meeting with China's trade chief Friday.

>>5309569 Julian Assange gets a new Australian passport.

>>5309515 Unions, Trump Administration prepare to face off in court again over workforce executive orders.

>>5309493 Collapse of EU superstate?

>>5309476 Reminder of our meme threads. (all off bread)

>>5309353 Britain warned it could be cut out of future Five Eyes intelligence over Huawei.

>>5309349 Fairfax accuser Vanessa Tyson calls out Virginia General Assembly for failure to act.

>>5309195 North Carolina orders new election in undecided House race.

>>5309270 IRS analyst John Fry charged with leaking Michael Cohen’s bank records.

>>5309220 New generation of globalist on the horizon.

>>5309134 Jussie Smollett's alleged hate crime hoax sheds light on similar phony accusations.

>>5309113 Weapons manufacturer BAE Systems condemns violence, embraces ‘diversity’.

>>5309087 Judge says Stone poses a risk to the public if released.

>>5309079 Cohen to testify before Senate Intel on Tuesday.

>>5308774 Epstein case: Does the DOJ have the power to exempt themselves from federal transparency laws?

>>5308374 Anon: ‪[47] Days Ahead of Schedule!

>>5308573 Here is the proffer that was red in court in Jussie Smollett case.

>>5308470 ADL said Jussie Smollett attack showed ‘homophobia and racism that plagues our society’.

>>5308466 Smollett's legal team statement.

>>5308420 Dr. Heather M. Stapleton from Duke is whose work Q posted.

>>5308412 Federal judge dismisses climate change lawsuit against Trump administration.

>>5308403 US Marines Tweet: "Safety is No Accident."

>>5308353 Christopher Paul Hasson: Another orchestrated [DS] counter-intelligence operation.

>>5308314 Chinese jet shows X-Ray vision system only seen on US jets.

>>5308208 Smollett buying drugs from brothers?

>>5308180 Julie Bishop, former foreign minister, announces resignation from Parliament.

>>5308061 Christopher Hasson, Coast Guard officer, was a nihilist and there’s no evidence he was a Trump supporter.

>>5308038 FDA Head talking about forced Federal vaccines.

>>5308005 DJT Tweet: "Senator John Cornyn has done an outstanding job…"

>>5307994 Bail set at $100,000 for 'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett after his arrest for filing false police report.

>>5307949 Roger Stone thread from reporter inside courtroom.

>>5307870 Fed. prosecutors broke federal lw by signing plea deal with Epstein and concealing from trafficking victims.

>>5307861 DJT Jr.: "If you watch one thing today, watch this!!!" (video)

>>5307694 WL: HRC advisor on news that Mueller is closing the investigation.

>>5307605 Who's who of the Trump-Russia collusion collapse red carpet.

>>5307555 What were in the 17 bags smuggled out by Markle?

>>5307483 Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say.

>>5307482 Smollett and Schiff have a deep connection.

>>5307413 Republicans losing on purpose.

>>5307380 Pompeo: US will not share info w/ countries using Huawei systems.

>>5307355 Kamala and Sharpton leaving a diner. Coordinating something?

>>5307162 Ven. aid being stopped at Colombian border. (video)

>>5307127 Dems and the media prepare for ‘life without Mueller’.

>>5307064 Anti-Lynching Bill is not about lynching per se, but it's draconian! Welcome to PreCrime!

>>5306690 Rahm tries to pin everything on Smollett.

>>5306928 U.S., China sketch outlines of deal to end trade war.

>>5306911 European banks are the most successful ponzi scheme of all time.

>>5306889 Hong Kong’s monetary chief Norman Chan to retire at the end of his contract in September.

>>5306763 Saudi crown prince vows ‘all cooperation’ against terror, $100 billion investment in India.

>>5306756 The Deep State Shadow Government bun.

>>5306753 FISA = START. (graphic)

>>5306736 Journal article hybrid hazard: infertility.

>>5306727 Russia to press for putting “White Helmets” on trial for crimes in Syria.

>>5306684 More digs on Haiti mercs. (PB)

>>5306601 Turkey to receive Russian S-400 delivery in July, rejects US Patriot Systems offer.

>>5306178, >>5306307 Anon pulls a journalist larp, Q responds, BV confirms and hilarity ensues.

>>5306325 Burr and Warner abruptly left McCabe's testimony and joined RR in a SCIF.

>>5306233 UC Berkeley thug who beat conservative is university staff member!

>>5306196 Schedule timeline difference: 45. Way to go, POTUS!

>>5306195 Anon calls for the spotlight to be shown on Smollett/Harris lynching bill. Memes away!

>>5306098 Crowder's bombshell undercover video exposes the horror at late-term abortion clinics.

>>5306119 More hit pieces on 'conspiracy' videos on YouTube.

>>5306011 Leftist violence on campus.

>>5305992 More medical breakthroughs: Stem cells required for heart valve formation.

>>5305971 Sen. Marco Rubio: ‘The Chinese effort to supplant America has no precedent’.

>>5305925 SCIF exceptions authorized by ODNI?

>>5305889 Opioid maker sought to addict and treat addiction with their new pills.

>>5305849 Koch-backed group offers to help Pelosi limit Trump tariff powers.

>>5305830 Mystery of flight MH370 is back in the news today. (Vietnam/Cambodia area)

>>5305827 FEC ignores Hillary Clinton’s $84 million campaign finance scandal.

>>5305745 Americans in Haiti returned.

>>5305716 Pope Francis: 'Concrete measures'.

>>5305606 Poll: 75% of Americans oppose outlawing boycotts of Israel.

>>5305564 Central Bank deputy chairman likens forex services to financial pyramids.

>>5305520 Dig on Americans/Serbian/Russian detained in Haiti with weapons.

>>5305511 Why S-300 in Syria not being used against Israeli aircraft.

>>5305408 Scaramucci follows Koh.

>>5305431, >>5305447 The cabal's agenda of normalizing pedophilia.

>>5305426 Spain: Unprecedented political rise in nationalism is taking place due to immigration.

>>5305343 Extraordinary breakthrough in flu vaccine discovery.

>>5305258 China bans Australian coal imports as diplomatic tensions over Huawei intensify.

>>5305230 VP Pence live. (audio only)

>>5305118 Semivolatile organic compounds in homes: strategies for efficient and systematic exposure measurement

>>5305110 Port Richey mayor arrested for practicing medicine without a license; Shots fired at SWAT team.

>>5305104 Barry not looking so good: stress? Wearing a bomber: Coded message?

>>5305055 Democrats already calling for Mueller report to be released publicly.

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Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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