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50 Lawmakers Demand AG Garland Explain Illegal CCP-Linked Marijuana Farms

 Anonymous  02/05/24 (Mon) 17:24:52 0d6eca (10) No.20363090

50 Lawmakers Demand AG Garland Explain Illegal CCP-Linked Marijuana Farms

A bipartisan group of 50 US lawmakers have requested that Attorney General Merrick Garland provide information on illegal marijuana grow operations in the US that are linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Led by Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), Jared Golden (D-ME), David Valadao (R-CA), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Sen. Angus King (I-ME), the lawmakers penned a Friday letter to Garland expressing their concerns.

"Chinese nationals---including those with potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—are reportedly operating thousands of illicit marijuana farms across the country," they wrote. "The thousands of illicit Chinese marijuana growing operations pose a direct threat to public safety, human rights, national security, and the addiction crisis gripping our nation."

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