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10 people indicted on human trafficking charges in Fulton County

Anonymous 01/28/22 (Fri) 19:54:00 c51883 (11) No.15487135

10 people indicted on human trafficking charges in Fulton County ATLANTA — Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr has announced that a Fulton County grand jury has indicted 10 people on human trafficking charges. The Attorney General’s Office’s Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit say one man, Steven Stone, is charged with human trafficking by keeping and transporting an underage person and financially benefitting from their sexual servitude. The other nine defendants are charged with trafficking by solicitation. The Attorney General says all 10 indictments come from Operation Not Forgotten 2020, which saw 26 missing children rescued from human trafficking and 13 more were found safe over a span of two weeks. “At the Department of Law, we take seriously our role to protect our fellow Georgians and prosecute those who victimize our most vulnerable citizens,” said Carr. After taking on her role as First Lady of Georgia, Marty Kemp assisted in the creation of the GRACE Commission, which combats human trafficking in Georgia. “Before we took office, Brian and I decided that we were going to do everything in our power to bring the fight to buyers and traffickers so that they know Georgia is a hostile environment for this activity and a safe haven for survivors,” said Kemp. During Operation Not Forgotten 2020, the underage victim involved in this case was rescued. Stone faces three charges of trafficking persons for sexual servitude and could face up to three life sentences if convicted. The remaining defendants each face one count of trafficking persons for sexual servitude. They include: Kerry Barnett Shane Bean Mintaka Bey Daniel Callaway Undra Henderson Alif Morgan Devin Smith Tony Turner Warren Watts If convicted, each could face a life sentence.

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