Garden from Scratch for FREE! Zero Cost Organic Gardening for Food
Brian at Next Level Gardening published a series of videos titled ‘Garden From Scratch for FREE’, focusing on zero cost organic gardening to produce food. In this series, Next Level Gardening shows you how to find free compost, free mulch, free vegetable seeds, how to make raised beds for free, how to make your own fertilizer, companion planting and much more.
episode 1
episode 2
episode 3
Anonymous 01/25/24 (Thu) 21:17:22 239640 (18) No.20304111
How to Organize to Beat the Left
15,901 views Nov 13, 2023
It's time to start winning. That requires knowing our enemy, which we're doing pretty well with, getting organized, and enacting a strategy to consolidate power for the Cause of Liberty to save our schools, towns, states, and nations. The strategy is actually pretty simple, though, and it's organizing to create a positive feedback loop between recruiting numbers, identifying and achieving specific objectives, and building and channeling momentum (including into fundraising). This is less hard than it sounds, even in deeply embattled areas. The strategy is simple: get some numbers and recruit around the idea of getting enough numbers to take over some small local thing, ideally within the Republican Party, to get it under your control. Make sure it's an achievable goal, then drive to achieve it. When you achieve it, turn the victory into momentum to go after the next target. Recruit on the success and to the need of achieving the next goals. Then just keep repeating!
In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks down this community organizing 101 for conservatives.
Join him and get back on the field to start taking back ground!