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Wuhan lab leak 'now the most likely origin of Covid', MPs told

Anonymous 12/15/21 (Wed) 10:46:08 c19f23 (7) No.15196959

Lab leak "now the most likely origin of Covid", UK MPs told. MIT and Harvard scientist: Risk that #COVID19 was an engineered virus. Engineered virus, attack on humanity, bigger than Treason


Anonymous 12/15/21 (Wed) 11:21:31 69781f (4) No.15197112


Anonymous 12/15/21 (Wed) 11:57:31 6cef25 (1) No.15197294

>>15197112 new possible alternate national military command center was identified in Northern Hubei Military District, Wuhan Military Region (MR}, China.' This command center may consist of six separate, but related, facilities. Its identification was based on the association of the General Staff Department (GSD) Counterpart near Xiangfan (32-03N 112-05E) 1 with these six installation,s and their association with each other. 2. (S/D) This report discusses six facilities, possibly making ur the GSD Counterpart, within 75 nautical miles (nm) of Xiangfan (Figure I). Their location and construction indicate a prohable high-level function. These facilities consist of one extensive· underground administration complex, one heliport. and four communications sites. All of these facilities arc ~ituated on interconnecting underground telecommunications cables.~·-1 underground administration complex, one heliport. and four communications sites = George Washington University

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