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Walter Veith - The Battle Is Raging In The Church - Episode 1

Writer's picture: The_RoosterThe_Rooster

Walter Veith - The Battle Is Raging In The Church - Episode 1

SPIRITUAL WARFARE is needed in these last days… Evil is a living reality in the world we live in. Evil in the media, blatant blasphemy. If evil is a reality then God is a reality too. If the devil has removed God from public venues, we can be sure he works to remove Him from the hearts of people and replace the truth about God with false doctrines. Is the world improving in morality? If they’re getting worse on the natural level, how much more on the spiritual level. Where is the battle raging? In the church. Shouldn’t we expect the devil to be most active in the church? We shouldn’t be surprised by false doctrines even within the church. Syncretism – we claim to believe God but worship Him in the style of Baal. There is only one truth. The truth, in each of its Bible definitions, is being attacked. The war needs to be fought. God doesn’t use Satan’s weapons. The Word has to be paramount. Reformers believed the Word was the absolute criteria – Sola Scriptura. And so must it be to the end of time.

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