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W.H.O Assembles Pandemic Treaty to Control Global Human Parasites

Anonymous 05/15/22 (Sun) 15:10:31 d73d25 (12) No.16280400

Neil Oliver, W.H.O Assembles Pandemic Treaty to Control Global Human Parasites May 14, 2022 | Sundance | 289 Comrade dissidents, in his weekly monologue Neil Oliver draws attention to the World Health Organization (WHO) effort to assemble the Global Pandemic Response Treaty, a collective pact with the industrious mission to control the threat of human parasites. As Oliver notes, the objective of the W.H.O. mission is to coordinate a whole-of-planet approach, by giving instructions to all governmental signatories for how to best manage the problematic behavior of free-range citizens. People are the dangerous carbon they seek to mitigate. WATCH:


Anonymous 05/15/22 (Sun) 15:47:43 bcf2eb (9) No.16280581

Sen. Rick Scott Fires a Warning Shot: Biden Admin Is Giving Chinese and WHO National Sovereignty Over US Health Policy

The Biden regime is preparing to sign an agreement with the corrupt, China-led World Health Organization (WHO) that will give US sovereignty on health care decisions over to the WHO.

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