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Tucker v. the Surveillance State


Anonymous 06/29/21 (Tue) 23:25:41 5f0565 (4) No.14019142

Techno Fog ~ Tucker v. the Surveillance State


The NSA could have categorically denied having Tucker's electronic communications.

They refused.

Instead, they're using vague language to mislead the public. Something is up.

That Strange NSA Non-Denial



Anonymous 06/29/21 (Tue) 23:28:59 5f0565 (4) No.14019166

>>14019142 Glenn Greenwald weighed in also @ggreenwald First, it's bizarre that @NSAGov allow no replies. Second, NSA has used this same deceit for years: they can spy on US citizens' communications without "targeting" the American. Third, NSA has extremely broad authorities to collect communications without "targeting" a person. 8:29 PM · Jun 29, 2021



Anonymous 06/29/21 (Tue) 23:28:11 c1073d (1) No.14019163


Anonymous 06/29/21 (Tue) 22:31:44 a7ba51 (19) No.14018757

Holy shit anons

After college, Carlson tried to join the Central Intelligence Agency, but his application was denied, after which he decided to pursue a career in journalism with the encouragement of his father, who advised him that "they'll take anybody."


I hate to sound paranoid but... Hopefully my agent and I can be friends one day. I have a lot of questions.

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