Their goal is not to make America better.
Their goal is to end America.
Make no mistake; we are in the midst of a Cold Civil War.
You cannot win a war unless you know you are in one.
In war, you must make a stand.
Trump is guided by facts.
China is a mortal enemy.
Trump smoked rats out of hiding places.
Our intel agencies are corrupt.
Trump has not let go of the claim that the 2020 election was not stolen from him.
One does not appreciate the strength of relentless gale force winds until one is in the eye of the storm.
"Trump is the most towering political figure in living memory. He has, like it or not, defined the politics of our age. In 2016 and 2020, he was the political leader most fit to lead in our war-like circumstances. Trump inspired a movement. If properly deployed, this movement might challenge the 'Woke Comms,' and God willing, save the Country. Republicans, however, should not forget that it is his supporters and the spirit they embrace that have become the lifeforce of the Republican Party. Among the talked-about alternatives to Trump, I have not seen anyone who possesses or even fully understands Trump's virtue, nor have I seen anyone with his backbone and fortitude. One does not appreciate the strength of relentless gale force winds until one is in the eye of the storm.
