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Misspellings Matter.


Anonymous 06/30/22 (Thu) 19:48:27 1be5c4 (1) No.16568804

T minus 11? Hours, days, weeks, years…




Anonymous 06/30/22 (Thu) 19:52:05 85454e (22) No.16568828

>>16568804 LOST Elon is lost. 11 could be rockets


Anonymous 06/30/22 (Thu) 20:01:37 85454e (22) No.16568876

T > Tesla > Elon > LOST


I post this notable at risk of being called a datefag, but we are most definitely nearing the precipice. While digging through it I found it very Interesting that Elon is also currently "missing". I was digging through my archives just prior to seeing these posts on the board. I was looking at North Korea related files for some odd reason, but Elon and Space X popped up. For anons that have been around since the beginning you may remember the "MAGA Memes" archive dump that was pushed to the boards in the early days. I archived it offline like everything else I could over the last 5 years. All files in the gallery below are from that initial archive dump and were saved as one large archive in 2018. Enjoy the show!


>This will break the MSM


T - Minus 11

T-11 hours and holding

This built-in hold varies between 13 to 14 hours.

  • Weather and engineering briefings

  • Pad debris inspection and closeout

  • Flight crew equipment late stow

  • Move rotating service structure to "park" position

  • Activate the orbiter's inertial measurement units and communications systems

  • Perform ascent switch list

T-11 hours and counting

  • Activate the orbiter's fuel cells

  • Clear the blast danger area of all nonessential personnel

  • Switch the orbiter's purge air to gaseous nitrogen


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Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.



-Welcome to the Deepend!


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